Monday, 21 July 2014

MAKE UP MONDAY | beauty haul part 1.

heya beauty lovers! 

I was shocked to see how many people have been reading my beauty posts on monday so I decided to treat you all because who doesn't love a great haul?! Hopefully you won't get sick of them as I have another two beauty hauls, a homeware haul and a shoe haul upcoming soon:-)

Avon for men - powerful.
Ive blogged about this product before, if you want an in depth post please click here... the post also has a direct link. I can't believe its only 99p as it is such a strong fragrance that lingers on the skin for hours afterwards. Its a generous size and it smells heavenly.

Tresemme heat defence spray. 
I think practically everyone uses this heat defence spray, ive really noticed a difference in my hair since using this product. Again, its a repurchase so that must mean I like it! I buy mine from boots for £5.25, you can use this link to be taken directly to the product.

No7 hot cloth cleanser. 
I promise this is the last repurchase. Its soooooooo good... gentle, smooth, benefical and cheap. If you want an indepth review you can check out my 2013 beauty favourites post. I used a no7 voucher which made the product less than £5 if I remember rightly. Absolute bargain. The no7 vouchers always gets me!!

Batiste dark and deep dry shampoo.
I'm going to be going natural soon (can't believe I'm ditching the extenstions, I'll probably do an emotional post closer to the time... I'm so pathetic haha) but I thought this would be a great way to reduce the amount of times I have to wash my hair. My hair is sooooo thick and it goes afroy when washed, check my instagram for a picture (shameless plug). So I thought this could be my saviour, I've never used it before but everyone recommends it so I thought I'd give it a go. Its £3.99 from boots:-)

Soap and glory ultra rich body lotion.
It doesn't really smell like any of the more foody smells that I've smelt from soap and glory, this product smells more... fresh to me. To be honest, the packaging sold it to me. But I haven't been let down by any of the other soap and glory products that I've tried before and 'ultra rich' sounds great for my skin. So why not!

Nivea in shower body moisturiser. 
Sometimes when I go to the gym or for runs etc... I get sooo lazy after the shower and don't moisture. Some of you may think this is a sin and some of you may be thinking whats the big deal. But for someone who has really dry skin, its a problem. I've seen this advertising everywhere and I even saw fayesfix on youtube talking about it. 

Avon dry oil body spray. 
I spray this all over my body just before I go in the shower and it always makes me silky smooth afterwards. Its really refreshing and recently I've found myself looking forward to the spray more than the shower hahaha. It just cools you down because the United Kingdom has actually been pretty warm recently! Which makes a nice change:-)

If you have any questions for an uncoming Q&A please can you put them in the comments below:-)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post!! Hauls are amazing:)
