Wednesday, 23 July 2014

TAG | #allbloggersgreatandsmall

Hiya bloggers! 

This is another tag that I was tagged in when I took my blogging break, thank you to the lovely girl that tagged me and I'm so sorry I'm only getting round to it now! 

1. What makes you want to blog?
All the lovely comments on previous posts encourage me to blog because I know someone appreciates it:-) 
2. Your morning skin routine?
Clean and clear ex foliating daily face wash then a prescription cream for my acne.
3. Your favourite blogger?
At the moment my favourite blogger is Amy.
4. A beauty product you couldn't live without?
Day to night rimmel mascara.
5. Your favourite drug-store make up brand?
6. Your favourite high-end make up brand?
7. Staple wardrobe item?
Definitely leggings! without a doubt. They're so comfy! I wear them with nearly anything.


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