Friday, 10 April 2015

OOTD | monochrome plus my natural hair!

hey my loves!

I'm back with a fashion post for you all as I'm absolutely loving monochrome outfits at the minute (even though its spring?!) and I just thought I'd show you this look. Don't worry I have a brighter outfit for the next post if this is a bit dull for you but none the less, I hope you like all the pictures! This might not seem long to many people but I am amazed at the thickness and length of my natural hair. It was two inches longer but I had to have a serious chop because my last haircut was the beginning of college and I'm now at university!! It's the first time I've had it straightened since the beginning of college. I would really recommend weaves for hair growth but that's a whole entire post.

All outfit details will be below... 

It was a really hot day so I decided that it was time to whip my hair back and fourth;-) creating the pineapple hahaha, do I look like a wolly? 

Outfit details...
Grey slouchy t-shirt: New look 
Leather silver hardware mini skirt: H&M
Peep toe black wedges: Saints and sinners
Blue flower earrings: Boots

Special thanks to my nanna (my photographer, I really need to get a tripod) who obviously can't take a serious photograph ha ha! 

I've got a beauty favourites ready to go, so stay tuned!