Saturday, 19 July 2014

FASHION FRIDAY | ootn, wild hair.

hello everyone! 

I didn't want to lose the light so I took the picture before I had done my hair so it looks quite lion mane-ish but I really love this outfit! I wore it for a night out so I thought I'd share it with you as I think that most of the items are still in the stores:-) Hopefully the picture quality is much better than my older posts as I've craved in and got a canon camera, so let me know if you like the quality. I still need to play around with the settings so bare with me ha ha. 

Ribbed crop top: Topshop: £6.00 / Bodycon mesh skirt: Primark: £8.00 / Black heels: Boohoo.



  1. Gorgeous skirt and hair. Oh and since I'm on the topic of hair; where do you purchase yours and could your recommend any websites that aren't too expensive? :)

    1. thank you babe! I get mine from my local market but I'm trying out two different websites in the next couple of weeks so I'll keep you updated:-) xx

  2. Love the skirt! Been looking for one like this for a while and didn't think of checking Primark xx

    1. thanks Alice! I was shocked to find it myself:-o x x
