Wednesday, 21 December 2016

21st birthday celebrations and a quick update | december 16.

Wow, this is crazy. I've toyed with the possibility of blogging again a few times and I have built up the courage to come back. Not only have I missed the blogging community tremendously but I have also missed documenting my life. So, without further ado...


I'm going to try and keep this short and sweet because I have so many photographs I want to attach. But let me get you all up to speed. The last time I blogged was June 2015 and it is now the back end of December 2016. Goodness me!! I've passed my driving test, been to two lovely weddings, one of which was in Greece, gone to parklife, been to London and finally been on the London eye, become a gym freak, sky dived, watched Britians got taleny LIVE in the audience, moved into a 6 bedroom 3 storey luxury student house and finally turned 21!!! HOORAY

Yes, I'm that crazy adrenline junkie. I don't like roller coasters but this is something I have always wanted to do (bucket list and all) and nothing was stopping me doing it. I decided to jump with Black Knights Parachute Centre ( and it was honestly the best experience of my life to date but I shall have a full post of information, thoughts, price, locations etc coming in the new year.

That's all from me for now! 
I don't think I'll be back before Christmas but my next post will definitely be a outfit post or a what I got for christmas post. Have a lovely christmas and New year everyone!! 

Love Char 


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